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PitaPata Dog tickers

terça-feira, 19 de maio de 2009

My Weekend

Hello to all, this was a fantastic weekend, full of adventures.

First of all, I want to introduce my newest friend. Her name is Laza, and she is like "Speedy Gonzalez", small and fast. I tried to catch her but I couldn't, she's just too damn fast!!!!

You can see below how much fun we had in the park:

Sunday seemed a never ending day, but for good reasons.

Me and mom, started the day by giving a bath to Mr. Duck.

After that, we went to bake some apple and pear dog cookeis to share with my Golden friends. The cookies were DELICIOUS and IRRESISTIBLES hhhhhuuuummmmm (I'm still drooling!!!)

Later in the morning, we went at Mata da Machada to participate in the 4th Golden Sunday... but this time, the gang was smaller: Only I and Indy showed up. But it still was super fun!!!

We made a small walk searching for the "lost" lake, but we didn't find it. Instead of the lake, we found a small fountain from where we drank water. We played with tennis balls and sticks, and we rolled on the sand. Here are some videos of our adventures:

Indy trying to catch the ball while drinking water from the fountain.

Indy and I playing "catch the tennis ball"

After the walk, only me and my mom and dad stayed for the picnic

I was sooo tired when I arrived home... but I still managed to play a little with Laza in the park.



3 comentários:

Mafalda disse...

Primo, pede uns biscoitos caseiros à tia para mim!! :)
Ainda há?

Trinquinhas nas orelhas,

Indi e Vicky disse...

AHAH o Speedy Gonzalez português é muito querido!
Obrigada pela companhia e brincadeiras lá na mata, Byte! O Indi também ficou cansadinho, e aproveitou enquanto almoçávamos com os meus pais para dormir a sesta debaixo da mesa (e assim ainda ganhou umas festas extra porque todos lhe faziam festas com os pés...).
A Polli é que ficou com o bichinho dos biscoitos com papas de frutos e vai experimentar fazer metade fruta - para a Vicky, metade atum - para o Indi.


Sara Alves disse...

ohhh só agora é que vi este post!!!!
aiiiii eu não acredito que perdi os biscoitos!!!! como é que é possível!!! pq é que o tarado do meu dono ficou doente!!! que coisa!

temos de combinar outro!
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