
This Blog have: 314 Comments in 131 Posts!

PitaPata Dog tickers

sexta-feira, 10 de julho de 2009

Picnic (10th of June)


This is "old news" (10th of June) but Cláudia insisted that she had to put this photo here. This picture was taken in a picnic with some human friends.


7 comentários:

Sara Alves disse...

debaixo a mesa à espera que caia alguma coisa Byte?
estas com um ar super patusco cheio de areia na boca :D
lambidelas do pu

Dino and Family disse...

I like it very much! Love, Dino

Thor and Jack disse...

Parece que você se divertiu bastante, Byte! :)

The Musketeers disse...

Byte, you're simply a handsome macho looking boy ! Remember our contest ! BOL !

Sofia disse...

Foto muito boa. Ficaste muito bem Byte :)

Paco,Milo, Maya and mommy Simona disse...

Great great great photo dear Byte!!!!!
What you have on your mouth dear friend??
is food???
is sand????
We don't know what is it...but sure you look gorgeous!!!
We love yoouuuuuuuuuu!!!!
have a wonderful weekend!!!
Kisses and licks

Sierra Rose disse...

Hi there! Great contrast on this July photo!
And, thank you for posting our Golden Honey on your side bar. In memory of Honey, and for love of goldens, Honey's mom and dad now have me!! Woowee. Hope they are ready for a PUPPY.

Come for a visit!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses!
Sierra Rose